
Writing of the introduction for YUCOM’s annual report, as well as the introduction to the text which presents the overview of the status of human rights in the year behind us, is placed in the context of the situation in the media and TV programs which were cancelled during previous year, and which have left the mark on the media scene in Serbia.


The goal of the Free Elections Through Freedom of Assembly project is two-fold: 1) protection of the freedom of assembly in pre-election period as the prerequisite for free, fair and democratic elections through timely education of users, monitoring of pre-election conventions across Serbia by independent monitors, providing legal protection in cases of violence against freedom of assembly, immediate notification of public on dealt infarctions and requests to relevant authorities to take measures against them; 2) after the elections and based on received results, an evaluation of the influence of the new Law will be made, formulating conclusions and recommendations for the improvement of the legislative framework, considering that harmonization with international standards is already envisioned with the Action Plan for Chapter 23.


With the Law on Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, it is prescribed that the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (NPM) conducts visits to institutions where detainees may or may not be held, with the aim of discouraging state bodies and officers from any form of torture or any other form of abuse, as well as directing state bodies towards creating accommodation and other living conditions in institutions that hold detainees that are in line with current regulations and standards.


The policy goal of the project is to provide institutional analysis of services directed toward refugees, migrants and asylum seekers assessing their integration, coherence and complementarities with local partners, in order to facilitate systemic changes enabling positive outcomes of migration.


The focus of this project will be on monitoring formal and informal gathering places of refugees/migrants in Serbia and providing them with information on their rights and obligations. This will be achieved by making often visits to those places, conducting interviews with refugees/migrants as well as with relevant stakeholders and CSOs. Experiences gained during the project will be reflected in a final project report with recommendations for the improvement of the status and the treatment of refugees/migrants in Serbia.


The Committee of Lawyers for Human Rights – YUCOM, with the support of the OSCE Mission in Serbia, is undertaking the project with the title ‘Amending the Constitution’. The aim of the project is to improve the knowledge of students and journalists on amendments to the Constitution, as well as to commence a discussion on the subject with the goal of collecting information and opinions from the wider public.


Project Title: Project Title: NGOs and the Judiciary – Watchdog Activities, Interactions, Collaboration, Communication
Duration: January 2015. – June 2016.
Donor: International Visegrad Fund and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea
Partners: CEELI Institute (Czech Republic), VIS IURIS (Slovakia), Albanian Helsinki Committee (Albania), Coalition of Civil Associations “All for fair trials” (Macedonia)
About the project: The general topic addressed by the project NGOs and the Judiciary is watch dog activities, cooperation, interaction, communication and relations between NGOs and judiciary with special focus on civic monitoring of the judiciary.


Project:  Civil Response to Clientelism in Media – MEDIA CIRCLE
Duration:  December 2013 – December 2017.
Donor:  European Commission / IPA CSF
Partners:  Partnership for Social Development (Croatia), Expert Forum (Romania), Vesta (BiH), BH Journalists (BiH), Center for Media Activities (FYR Macedonia), Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina (Serbia) and Public Policy Institute (Montenegro)


Project: Equal Rights in Educational System in Serbia

Duration: August 2014- August 2015

Donor: Matra Embassy Fund- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

About the project: The objectives of the action are to contribute to the advancement of democracy, human rights, social inclusion and a higher level of tolerance in Serbia´s educational system…


The second and revised edition of the handbook “Fighting Against Discrimination in the Education System”, which is created within the project Equal Rights in the Education System of the Republic of Serbia with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, is designed for educational advisers, educational inspectors, teachers and school directorates in Serbia and is aimed to help in fighting against discrimination in the education system.


The project’s aim is the development of YUCOM’s capacities and expertise in order to better respond to the needs of Serbian society in negotiations with the EU in priority areas of Chapters 23 and 24.


Name of the project: Triple A for Citizens: Access to information, Advice & Active help
Duration: December 2012 – December 2014
Donor: European Commission

Nine organizations from EU member states and the western Balkans are united in a common task – to challenge the myth that the citizens of post – communist societies are passive by showing no interest in the defense of their own rights. The rejection of this myth is based on the assumption that this legend will disappear as soon as the way of exercising their rights is brought to the public attention – both before and after the occurrence of a possible problem.

This is the reason for the decision that the concept of counseling for citizens is widened in the western Balkans and Turkey. The regional forum on counseling citizens should encourage this process.


Project Title: Training’s on non-discrimination for chosen local experts in twenty local governments
Duration: November 2014 – May 2015
Donor: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe – OSCE
About Project: Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights (YUCOM) in cooperation with the Association of Lawyers for Medical and Health Law (SUPRAM) implemented a program of education in 20 local governments in Serbia, in the framework of the project “European Support for the Inclusion of Roma People”, which is implemented by the OSCE.