
“Human Rights and COVID-19” presents an analysis of changes in the legal framework during the COVID-19 epidemic and their impact on exercising human rights. Starting from the principle of the rule of law, the analysis shows the decision making manner which limits human rights, control of the consequences of new regulations in practice, with a systematic presentation of the rights that have suffered the most formal restrictions (freedom of assembly, freedom of movement, right to fair trial, right to health care and freedom of expression). The analysis also shows the limitations of other rights, such as freedom of religion and the right to personal and family life, which have arisen as an indirect consequence of the undertaken measures.

New editions

Not much time has passed according to the calendar since February 2019, when we presented our last annual report. That is just over 450 days. According to measuring of time by YUCOM, that includes 21 printed publications, 9 of which printed in 39,000 copies, 419,405 citizens reached by our text “What does the introduction of a state of emergency mean for the people in Serbia?”, strengthening of our team by 2 new lawyers, who, together with the rest of our legal staff have provided legal advice and information to citizens in 995 instances.


The pandemic of virus COVID-19 is one of the biggest global pandemics in the modern times, and based on the data of the World Health Organization, until July 1, 2020, there were 10,321,689 infected individuals, and 507,435 persons were deceased.

This report presents the findings of the series of the activities recognized as necessary by the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights in the response to the crisis caused by the epidemic of virus COVID – 19.

Human Rights Series

Status–A National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI) have special rights to participate in international human rights mechanisms (IHRM), which to a large extent serve as basis for a country’s human rights situation assessment. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to review the status of these institutions on realistic grounds, assessing not only the legal framework governing NHRI status and competences, but also their implementation in practice.

New editions

The publication “Integration of the Judiciary in the Context of Belgrade-Prishtina Dialogue and the Process of Joining the European Union – Report on the Implementation and Effects of the Justice Agreement” represents the first comprehensive findings on the implementation of the Justice Agreement that resulted from the dialogue between Belgrade and Prishtina, under the auspices of the European Union. The report is a result of the project “Towards Stronger Judiciary through Citizens’ Monitoring”, funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade and the Balkan Trust for Democracy.

New editions

The “Report on the Implementation of the Action Plan for Chapter 23 – Implementation of Measures related to the Judiciary” includes the monitoring of the implementation of those measures contained within the Action Plan that relate to constitutional changes, budget competencies of judicial councils, the disciplinary and ethical responsibility of judges and public prosecutors, and the automatic allocation of cases. This report is the result of the project “Towards Stronger Judiciary through Citizens’ Monitoring”, supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade and the Balkan Trust for Democracy.

New editions

As of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia in 2006 and adoption of the new Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination of 2009, there seems to have been numerous texts and publications about the principle of equality and prohibition of discrimination. The institution of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality has been established and it decides on the complaints of the citizens every day, leads strategic litigations and submits annual reports to the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the public.

New editions

Writing an editorial for YUCOM’s Annual Report has just become my delightful habit, and I already need to hand it over. From the first Annual Report that we had presented in 2013, our report has been the reason to line up, to gather at the end of the year and create topics overview that preoccupied us, as well as a list of the activities we performed.