Raising Public Awareness and Monitoring of implementation of Constitutional Provisions and Legal


The project will focus on the analysis of existing institutions and proposals for legislation changes related to local self governance, and its harmonization with the prevailing international norms in this field, especially bearing in mind stabilization and association process (SAP). The project will also strive to raise the level of political culture and right to local self-governance through appearance and campaigning in the media, and (as a second part of this project) expert debate on local self-governance in the light of New Constitution of Serbia.

It is within the present political and social context that the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights sees the imperative need of democratic reform of existing legal systems in Serbia, focused and realized through the different activities set within its broader Citizens’ Legislative Initiative. The main objective of this project is to research and identify problems in the local self-governance, with particular emphasis on the obstruction as well as to propose new legislation in areas enumerated in the Project proposal. In order to do that, the Project would focus on the establishment of legal experts’ teams that would elaborate draft laws and adopted laws, organize and carry out public and expert legal debates, watchdog and monitor the implementations and legal aspects of practice of both current set of Law on Local Self-governance harmonized with the new Constitution of Serbia and organize a series of debates aimed at providing legal aspects regarding the issue of local self-governance as a basic human right.

Main goal of the project is to raise awareness on Constitutional provisions related to Local Self Governance and to monitor the implementation of the new Constitution in this field, along with newly adopted laws in the area of local self government.


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