Title:Fighting Against Discrimination in the Education System
Handbook for Education Inspectors and Advisers
Language: Serbian
Year: 2012
The second and revised edition of the handbook “Fighting Against Discrimination in the Education System”, which is created within the project Equal Rights in the Education System of the Republic of Serbia with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, is designed for educational advisers, educational inspectors, teachers and school directorates in Serbia and is aimed to help in fighting against discrimination in the education system.
The first edition of the handbook was created as a result of the project Fight Against All Forms of Discrimination in the Education System of Serbia, and Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights – YUCOM together with the Belgrade Center for Human Rights – BCHR and with the support of the European Union has realized it. Based on it numerous training sessions for educational inspectors and advisers have been held during two years.
In the handbook there have been explained concept and examples of discrimination standards in the fight against discrimination, relevant international and domestic regulations, as well as presented the institutions, the roles and responsibilities of direct participants in the education system, educational inspectors and the civil sector. The handbook defines procedures for school without discrimination and procedures for solving cases of discrimination.