Transitional Justice

A democratic society in Serbia is possible only if all causes and consequences of the crimes committed on our behalf in the wars led in former Yugoslavia are acknowledged and valued in a correct way. This means that the state and the political elite must clearly distance themselves from the crimes committed on Serbia’s behalf, thus sending an unambiguous message to the citizens about what represents socially unacceptable behavior. This goal will be achieved not only by punishing those who committed the crimes – which is the most important precondition – but also by not denying, justifying or glorifying crimes.

Human Rights

YUCOM’s activities in the area of human rights presents the realization of rights proclaimed by the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms adopted by the General Assembly UN on 8 March, 1999.


Project: Litigation of Cases related to Human Rights and Protection of Human Rights Defenders

Duration: March 2014 – December 2014

Donor: The project is supported by Civil Rights Defenders.

About the project: The project aims to address the need of citizens and human rights NGOs for free and professional legal aid in cases of discrimination and HR violation reported to them and in cases against HR Defenders. Through court litigation of 10-15 cases the project tested the mechanisms provided by Serbian legislation and in the set of laws on discrimination in specific strategic litigation of court cases and thus raised awareness of human rights violations of selected vulnerable groups: Roma, persons with disabilities, LGBT, women, HIV positive, minorities.

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