Capacitating local human rights defenders and introducing public life standards in Serbia


The overall objective to which the Action aims to contribute is: Assisting fragile civil society actors dealing with the problems in a wide area of human rights protection and enhancing pluralism of civil society organizations in underrepresented regions of Serbia towards bringing a positive change on a democratic scene in Serbia. The specific objective of the Action is to develop capacities of new local NGOs and strengthen the existing ones for successful implementation of their role in consistent fighting for respect for human rights and public life standards through establishing a sustainable mechanism of monitoring and control.

Expected results:

• Raised general awareness of human rights activism and knowledge on public life standards;

• Enhanced capacities of the existing NGOs and created conditions for establishing new NGOs dealing with human rights in areas where such organizations were not yet operated;

• Participants are trained and new skills are acquired on the topics elaborated by trainings;

• Participants are ready to transfer the knowledge;

• Manual is ready to be used by training participants and translated to the Albanian and Roma language and thus a higher contact with target groups is achieved with special focus on minorities;


About Author

Ostavite odgovor