Aid to refugees and migrants – from legal aid to conditions assessment


Project title: Aid to refugees and migrants – from legal aid to conditions assessment

Duration: November 2015 – February 2016

Donor: Embassy of Finland in Belgrade

About the project: The focus of this project will be on monitoring formal and informal gathering places of refugees/migrants in Serbia and providing them with information on their rights and obligations. This will be achieved by making often visits to those places, conducting interviews with refugees/migrants as well as with relevant stakeholders and CSOs.

The overall objective of the project is improving of the Government system to handle and improve the position of refugees, as well as to enhance the focus of CSOs.

Specific objectives of the project are: (i) raising awareness of position of the target group among state authorities and general public; (ii) initiating discussion and possible changes of the existing mechanisms; (iii) monitoring formal and informal gathering places of refugees / migrants in Serbia regarding their living conditions and treatment, including medical assistance, availability of hygienic products, food and water, clothes etc.; (iv) providing refugees the information on their rights as well as public services available while residing on territory of Serbia – thus preventing breach of their rights; (v) media campaign as early warning of possible instability and violence; (vi) legal aid and advocacy, if necessary.


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