Legal aid consultant – cross country comparison of regional free legal aid experiences (part of the fiscal impact assessment for legal aid legislation)


Project: Legal aid consultant – cross country comparison of regional free legal aid experiences (part of the fiscal impact assessment for legal aid legislation)

Duration: November 2013 – December 2013

Donor: World Bank

About the project: Right to free legal aid is one of the fundamental rights of democratic society. It enables equal access to justice for all citizens. Constitution of Serbia foresees existence of Law on free legal aid, but it has not been adopted yet, this means that base for free legal aid system does not exist. Very significant issue is financial sustainability of the free legal aid system.

YUCOM has started detailed analysis of comparative experiences related to financial sustainability in Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and Brcko district. This comparative analysis should offer different solutions and experiences, in order to choose the best model when creating free legal system in Serbia.

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