Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, with the support of the OSCE Mission in Serbia, held on the 24th of November 2016, third out of four trainings “Monitoring, research and specifics of criminal trials for criminal offences with elements of corruption” at the Law Faculty in Niš. Training was aimed at students of the final year at the Faculty of Law and students of master studies. It was organized as part of the project “Empowering students of law clinics to follow corruption trials”.
Ivan Ilić, assistant professor at the Faculty of Law in Niš, opened the first panel and talked about the legal nature of monitoring of trials for criminal offences with the element of corruption. He was followed by Jasmina Stevanović, higher counselor in the department for property control of officials at the Agency for Fighting Against Corruption, who introduced students with the process of reporting, and controlling property and income of the officials.
In the second, practical part of the training, YUCOM’s legal adviser, Milan Filipović, talked about the significance and guidelines of monitoring trials for criminal offences with elements of corruption. Afterwards came the group work, where students analyzed particular cases and their reports.
Training was concluded with a lecture by Dijana Janković, a Judge of the court of appeals in Niš, who spoke about the nature of criminal offences with elements of corruption and the specifics of trials for these offences, from her own experience.
The training was attended by 20 law students, who will monitor the trials for criminal offenses with elements of corruption before the Higher Court in Niš in the forthcoming period.