Reminder: International LGBT Conference in Belgrade, 12-13 September 2014


In case you have not already done so, we would hereby like to invite you to register for the International Conference “The future belongs to us: LGBT rights on the road to the European Union” that will take place on September 12 and 13 in Belgrade, Hotel Metropol Palace .

Within the Conference, a cocktail in the Belgrade City Hall will also be organized, on Friday September 12, at 7 PM.

Read more about the Conference here.

Please register by filling in the registration form (in the attachment) or by filling it online.

Please note that due to the limited capacities, only registered participants will be able to attend the conference.

Registration will be open until September 1, 2014 or until all the places are filled.

Conference is jointly organized by Hirschfeld-Eddy-Foundation from Germany and Labris – Lesbian Human Rights organisation from Belgrade along with the partners, YUCOM –Lawyer’s Committee for Human Rights and Civil Rights Defenders .
The Conference will focus on LGBT rights in the scope of the EU accession, and will aim to open discussions about the challenges and opportunities when it comes to the protection and promotion of the human rights of LGBT people in Serbia, in the Balkans and other Eastern European countries.

Conference is supported by the German foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” , Federal Foreign Office and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade.

We are also extending our gratitude to our colleagues and friends: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Serbia, National Democratic Institute (Victory Institute) , Association Rainbow, IDAHO Belgrade, Forum for Ethnic Relations,Coalition for Equality STEP and our volunteers.
In a case you already received this e -mail and sent the registration form, please ignore it.

Download Registration form


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