Debate on EU accession in Leskovac


The consultative session of the National Convent on the European Union (NKEU) for Chapter 23, „The negotiating position of the Republic of Serbia within the framework of the international conference on accession to the European Union for Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights“ was held today in Leskovac.

„We have gathered to talk about the Chapter 23 and negotiations with the EU, about the current state of the rule of law and the need for civil society activism, to what degree will the non-governmental organizations monitor the situation and voice their opinion about the rule of law, fight against corruption, human rights, for the purpose of improving the situation of all citizens. I think we are initiating this campaign on time, talking to citizens, organizations and those in legal and other professions, who have their opinions and informations“, said the coordinator of the NKEU working group Milan Antonijević.

The state should count on civil society organizations and opinions of all who provide services to citizens and should participate in the negotiations, added Antonijević.

The meeting also touched on decentralization and some laws whose adoption is expected in the following period, and where there is obvious interest of citizens and organizations to participate in the process.

NKEU is a permanent body within which there is a debate on Serbia’s accession to EU between the representatives of non-governmental organizations, experts, businesses, trade unions, professional organizations and state administration, political parties and permanent bodies. The meeting in Leskovac was the last meeting organized by NKEU at which solving different local challenges was discussed.

The meeting was held within the framework of NKEU with the support of the German Organization for Technical Cooperation (GIZ), the organization of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights YUCOM and the local council of the European Movement in Serbia.


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