New editions

YUCOM’s 2013 Annual Report is product of comprehensive all-year efforts and concretization of the idea of an overview of YUCOM’s activities, modeled on annual reports being published by regulatory bodies and by international human rights organizations. As one of the most influencing think-thanks in Serbia and the symbol of support to citizens when it comes to protection of their basic human rightsYUCOM is presenting its first annual report with the review of provided legal aid in 2013 and selected case studies, also with overviewof all the contrbutions to improvement of human rights protection as well as with the text about this issue’s specific theme which is the right of adequate housing of marginalized and socially disandvantiged groups in Serbia.


What is legal aid?

Legal aid enables you to efficiently protect your human rights that have been violated. It also provides you with access to courts or to other state organs under conditions of equality and witout discrimination. Discrimination includes inequal treatment, unjustified distinction-making, namely puting someone i a better/worse situation by virtue of his/her personal characteristics. The state has an obligation to secure legal aid to you when you do not have the means to afford the costs of justice.


Support to Human Rights Defenders in Serbia – Towards effective mechanisms for protection
Duration: July, 2011 – April, 2012
Donor: Foreign Commonwealth Office
The project will establish certain effective mechanisms for the protection of Human Rights Defenders HRD and propose a set of measures for governmental institutions and other relevant stakeholders in order to improve HRD protection.
UN Declaration on Human Rights’ Defenders – Serbian, Roma and Albanian translation


Project title: Strengthening citizens in realizing the right to Free Access to Information and Data Protection through public Advocacy for adoption of the amendment to the FOIA and the Law on Classified Information
Duration: September 29, 2009- August 29, 2010
Donor: Institute for Sustainable Comminuties – ISC


Project title: CAMPAIGN TO PROMOTE TOLERANCE AND STOP RACISM that will comprise promotion of measures and practices needed to be introduced by state organs in order to fight discrimination against ethnic minorities and refugees, discrimination based on the ground such of sex, race, colour, social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation

Duration of the project: year 2006

Donors: German Government, through German Embassy in Belgrade


This was a regional project, where leading partner was HOM (Humanist Committee on Human Rights) from Utrecht, The Netherlands and as project partners have participated 14 NGOs from Serbia (3), Montenegro (2), FYROM (2), Albania (2), Bosnia and Herzegovina (3), Croatia (2). These countries were area of project implementation. The main focus of the project was domestic violence. Project was dealing only with domestic violence against women (including young girls from 15 and older). Project was supported by HIVOS and PSO.


The National Convention on EU represents an innovative model of network trough which NGOs from different fields cooperate. In this way, civil society engages and contributes significantly to the accession negotiations between Serbia and the EU in all 35 chapters and conducts comprehensive monitoring. The objective of the project is to achieve efficient and quality negotiations between Serbia and the European Union and to achieve sustainable reform in the areas covered by Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights and Chapter 24 – Justice, Freedom and Security through Inclusion and Civil Society Monitoring.


The overall objective of the project “Change the constitution on-line and off-line” is to set the stage for amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia that deepen formal and actual commitment to human rights and freedoms, in line with international human rights, freedoms and democracy standards and EU directives.


Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights – YUCOM implemented this project with the support of Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) and the Open Society Institute.

Serbia still ranks as one of the most corrupt countries in Europe according to the Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (in 2010, Serbia ranked 78th out of 178 countries (followed with 86th out of 182 ranking in 2011 and 80th out of 174 in 2012). The latest EC country reports stated that Serbia has made little progress in harmonizing its judicial system with the European standards and that it failed to rein in corruption. One of the key challenges is that there are still no enough criminal reports filed against perpetrators by the prosecutor’s office, mainly because it is often difficult to provide sufficient evidence for reporting a corruption case.


– Coalition for Equality Step –

Lawyer’s Committee for Human Rights – YUCOM with seven other civil society organizations (Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, CHRIS Network, the Center for Civic Education, Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo, Gay Straight Alliance, LGBT Forum Progress and the Youth Initiative for Human Rights Kosovo) conducted Networking project of civil society organizations on human rights violations in Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo and established regional Coalition for Equality Step.

The project is supported by the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Serbia.

Objective: Support to civil society organizations in addressing common challenges in the field of human rights, with a special focus on LGBT rights, women’s participation in political life and trials for discrimination.

Duration: October 2012 – October 2014

Location: Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo