Human Rights

On January 15th 2016 a team consisting of Momcilo Zivadinovic and Ana J. Jovanovic, along with an interpreter for Arabic, visited the Adasevci shelter for refugees and migrants in Sid.

At the time of our visit the center was also host to Alaksandar Vulin, minister of labor in the Government of Serbia, Michel Sen Lot, UNICEF representative, Michael Devenport, chief of the EU delegation in Serbia, as well as Hristos Stilijanides, EU commissioner for humanitarian aid and management of emergency situations, on the occasion of the opening of the new mother-child section at the shelter, where infants can be changed and fed which also features a games room for the children of the refugees/migrants.

Human Rights

Danilo Curcic of the Belgrade-based Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights, YUCOM, which brought the case to the Strasbourg-based court, said on Thursday that he wanted the rights body to call a halt to the evictions of around 30 Roma families from an informal settlement in Belgrade.

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