
We invite you, as a representative of the institution / organization that takes part in the analysis of the work of judicial bodies, to take part in the workshop “The judicial portals in the mirror.”

Professional organizations and non-governmental organizations dealing with the promotion of the rule of law and human rights through the monitoring and analysis of the work of judicial authorities rely on the information processed by the court administration and prosecution.

0 The verdict of the ECHR in the case of Zorica Jovanovic vs. Serbia

We participated in Open Society Justice Initiative’s report to the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, organized in Strasbourg, on implementation, or lack thereof, of the ECHR’s verdict in the case of Zorica Jovanovic vs. Serbia.

Representatives of the members of the Council of Europe were present, as were civil sector representatives and legal experts. We await the Committee Minister’s decision after its March 8th-10th 2016 session, seeing how Serbia’s implementation of this verdict is overdue for over a year and a half.

0 Report from the work-meeting on the subject of the representation of the final version of the Action plan for the implementation of minority rights

The meeting of the National Convent on the European Union for Chapter 23, where the final version of the Action plan for the implementation of minority rights (hereinafter AP for minorities), took place on February 19th 2016 in the premises of the National Assembly. Milan Antonijevic, NCEU work group coordinator for Chapter 23, opened the discussion by expressing his satisfaction with the large attendance and the opportunity hear about the role civil society organizations took in the making of the AP for minorities.


With the Law on Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, it is prescribed that the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture (NPM) conducts visits to institutions where detainees may or may not be held, with the aim of discouraging state bodies and officers from any form of torture or any other form of abuse, as well as directing state bodies towards creating accommodation and other living conditions in institutions that hold detainees that are in line with current regulations and standards.

Human Rights
0 The report on the visit of informal gathering places of refugees / migrants – number 5

On January 15th 2016 a team consisting of Momcilo Zivadinovic and Ana J. Jovanovic, along with an interpreter for Arabic, visited the Adasevci shelter for refugees and migrants in Sid.

At the time of our visit the center was also host to Alaksandar Vulin, minister of labor in the Government of Serbia, Michel Sen Lot, UNICEF representative, Michael Devenport, chief of the EU delegation in Serbia, as well as Hristos Stilijanides, EU commissioner for humanitarian aid and management of emergency situations, on the occasion of the opening of the new mother-child section at the shelter, where infants can be changed and fed which also features a games room for the children of the refugees/migrants.

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