0 On the occasion of the election of the Prosecutor for War Crimes of the Republic of Serbia: No discussion on the future of war crimes prosecution

On Monday, May 15th 2017, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia elected Snežana Stanojković, former Deputy Prosecutor, as the new Chief Prosecutor for War Crimes in Serbia. This position has been vacant since January 1st 2016. Human rights organizations are welcoming the election of a new Head of the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor (OWCP), primarily because of the importance of continuity in the domestic prosecution of war crimes…

0 The Initiative to Withdraw the Government’s Draft Bylaw Which Restricts Research in the Field of Defense

Nacionalni konvent o Evropskoj uniji i predstavnici i predstavnice naučne zajednice i građanskog društva pozivaju Ministarstvo odbrane Republike Srbije da povuče iz procedure usvajanja Predlog Uredbe o oblastima naučnih i drugih istraživanja značajnih za odbranu zemlje i o postupku i uslovima za izdavanje odobrenja za vršenje tih istraživanja zajedno sa stranim licima ili za potrebe stranih lica.

0 Joint NGO Report on key elements of the human rights situation in Serbia

The review of the Republic of Serbia at the United Nations Human Rights Committee is taking place in a tense political climate in Serbia, and after years of continued deterioration of rights to freedom of expression, in particular media rights, and restrictions to the possibility to participate to public life in general. Previous three years in Serbia have been marked by an evermore growing decay of institutions and the rule of law.


0 Report for Consideration by the Human Rights Committee at the 119th session
This Report is intended for additional information for the Committee’s consideration of Serbia’s report, submitted under the Article 40 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The main focus of this Report is on human rights issues already identified in the List of Issues, the Committee adopted on 29 July 2016. Having in mind that this Report is a Joint Submission of the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights and the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, it is drafted on more than 15 pages, as instructed by the Committee in its Information Note for NGOs.


0 Amnesty International Report for 2016 Serbia

Pro-government media continued to smear independent journalists and human rights defenders, as well as the Ombudsperson’s Office. Prosecutions of crimes under international law committed during the armed conflict in the 1990s remained stalled. Several forced evictions took place in Belgrade. Refugees and migrants stranded in Serbia on their way to the EU lacked access to protection and essential services.

0 Book of recommendations of the National Convent on the European Union 2015/2016

National Convention on the European Union (NCEU) in Serbia was founded by 17 eminent civil society organizations which are on the initiative and invitation of the European Movement in Serbia took over the coordination of the twenty-one Working group to follow the theme of all 35 negotiating chapters. Two years after the establishment of NCEU, more than 700 organizations (NGOs, coalitions, 19 faculties, 12 institutes, 24 professional associations, 11 trade unions, 3 business associations) actively participate in its work.

New editions
0 Migration, Social services, Integration

The research “Social Services and Migration: integration and coherence between the actors in the provision of better services for the refugees, migrants and asylum seekers in Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia” was implemented in the period from January to December 2016 in a dramatic turn of events in view of the waves of refugees from the East to the West.

0 Training “Monitoring, Reporting and Specifics of Criminal Proceedings for Criminal Acts with Elements of Corruption” organized at the House of Human Rights in Belgrade 02.12.2016

Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, with the support of the OSCE Mission in Serbia, held on the 2nd of December 2016, last out of four trainings “Monitoring, research and specifics of criminal trials for criminal offences with elements of corruption” in the renovated facilities of the House of Human Rights in Belgrade.

0 Training in „Monitoring, research and specifics of criminal trials for criminal offences with elements of corruption“ at the Law Faculty in Niš 24.11.2016

Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, with the support of the OSCE Mission in Serbia, held on the 24th  of November 2016, third out of four trainings “Monitoring, research and specifics of criminal trials for criminal offences with elements of corruption” at the Law Faculty in Niš. Training was aimed at students of the final year at the Faculty of Law and students of master studies.

0 Report from the conference on the implementation of activities proscribed by the Action plan for chapter 23

A conference on the implementation of activities proscribed by the Action plan for chapter 23 was held in the Small plenary chamber in the Republic of Serbia’s National Assembly building on November 1st 2016.

The conference was organized in four segments: Opening and keynote address; Questions pertaining to the judiciary within the context of the implementation of activities within Chapter 23 and the necessary changes to the constitution;

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