INTEGRATION OF JUDICIARY IN THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF KOSOVO in the Context of European Integration and the Dialogue between Belgrade and Prishtina
Report No. 2 on the implementation and effects of the Justice Agreement “Integration of Judiciary in the Judicial System of Kosovo in the context of European Integration and dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina” is the result of a research which the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights – YUCOM conducted in the period April 2019 – December 2020. In addition to findings on how the agreement was implemented and integration of Serbian judiciary into Kosovo’s institutions started, this report shows the current state how integrated judicial institutions have been working within three years of Agreement’s implementation. Based on the findings of the first report, the second report specifically interprets involvement of Serbian courts in achieving access to justice for citizens living or exercising rights in Kosovo. The findings show whether and to what extent access to justice for citizens of northern Kosovo has been improved.