Author Yucom


CURE condemns in the strongest terms possible the outrageous military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. It is the most brazen violation of international law and the principles and norms of the Council of Europe. We are appalled by numerous reports about bombing of and shelling at civilian buildings by Russian troops, the use of indiscriminate weapons, killing of civilians and other violations of international humanitarian law and human rights.


Solidarity for the Rights of All

The Solidarity for the Rights of All Network presents the Newsletter # 7 on attacks and pressure against activists.The team documents attacks and pressures on the Incident Map through research of publicly available information and interviews with the victims. Since the beginning of 2022, 8 attacks and pressures have been registered on the map, both on those who deal with the protection of human rights, and on those who found themselves in that role due to their actions and suffered consequences. The Solidarity for the Rights of All Network is led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights – YUCOM, Belgrade Center for Security Policy and the People’s Parliament

Press releases

The organisations gathered around the Three Freedoms Platform fiercely condemn the aggression of the Russian Federation on Ukraine and warn that a blatant violation of international law norms is at hand. We call upon the international stakeholders and humanitarian organisations to do all in their powers to prevent further suffering of the civilian population, and upon the relevant institutions of the Republic of Serbia to contribute to that end, as well as to prepare for providing assistance to the people fleeing their homes. Also, we call upon the institutions of the Republic of Serbia to join other European countries and condemn the aggression of the Russian Federation on Ukraine. This is one of the important moments of the European solidarity and Serbia, if it wishes to be part of the European Union, must demonstrate that its shares the EU values.



The Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights YUCOM is presenting the Report on Attacks on Human Rights Defenders in Serbia for 2021. The Report is based on the collected information during the second year of one of the action In Solidarity for the Rights of All, led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights YUCOM, in partnership with the Belgrade Center for Security Policy (BCSP) and the Association People’s Parliament, with the support of EU Delegation, European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).



The Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights YUCOM, together with partners Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP) and Association People’s Parliament would like to cordially invite you to the conference in regard to the presentation of second Report on Attacks on Human Rights Defenders in Serbia for 2021 in the hybrid event on February 18, 2022 at 10 AM via Zoom platform. The conference is organized with the support of the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia.


Media Coverage

Medical documents released by his team during a court battle in Australia show that Djokovic tested positive for the corona virus on December 16.

However, on that day, as in the next two, he was seen in public several times, although he should be in isolation.

“It is a criminal offense, under Article 248 of the Criminal Procedure Code, for which either a fine or up to three years in prison is envisaged,” Dragisa Calic of the Committee of Lawyers for Human Rights (Yukom) told the BBC in Serbian.

Until the moment the text was published, the Institute for Public Health “Trampoline” did not answer the BBC’s questions in Serbian about when Djokovic was given a positive test for the corona virus.


Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights (YUCOM) with the support of United Nations Human Rights Team, through the Regular Technical Cooperation Program of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Geneva, has the pleasure to invite you to the presentation of two handbooks developed in order to facilitate the exercise of the right to free legal aid:



Press releases

A group of civil society organisations and experts hereby points out that the way laws and by-laws are passed, amended and abolished shows a true picture of the catastrophic state of democracy in Serbia. The content, enactment and urgent abolishment of the decree stipulating that scientific and other research of importance for the country’s defense, conducted in cooperation with foreign entities, will require the approval of competent authorities, violates all principles of democracy, rule of law and freedom of expression.



The Solidarity for the Rights of All Network presents the Newsletter # 6 on attacks and pressure against activists. The team documents attacks and pressures on the Incident Map through research of publicly available information and interviews with the victims. Since the beginning of 2021, 55 attacks and pressures have been registered on the map, both against those who deal with the protection of human rights, as well as those who found themselves in that role due to their actions and suffered consequences. The Solidarity for the Rights of All Network is led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights – YUCOM, Belgrade Center for Security Policy and the People’s Parliament. In October and November 2021, 8 attacks and pressures were registered.


About the project: The Internet provides a wealth of information and knowledge opening up new opportunities but also challenges for freedom of expression. The principle of freedom of expression can be applied not only to traditional media, but also to the Internet and all kinds of media platforms, which contribute to the development of democracy and dialogue. Although the right to freedom of expression is a basic human right, it is not absolute. Like most rights, freedom of expression can be legally limited in the situations when the restrictions are reasonable and justified in an open and democratic society. Despite the declarative commitment to freedom of expression, many journalists, human rights lawyers, activists, and ordinary citizens face misdemeanor and criminal charges, civil lawsuits, and different types of persecution.

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