Author Yucom

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This isn’t the first and it won’t be the last time someone organizes lynches of public figures, people at the head of independent institutions and even elected officials via tabloids.

After “Informer” and other tabloids reported that ZoranaMihajlovic was the only minister who supported the British resolution on Srebrenica at the last week’s government session, the yellow press launched a new salvo of accusations at the government VP and Minister of transportation and even death threats have appeared on social networks.

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The decision of Swiss judiciary to extradite NaserOric, war-time commander of Muslims from Srebrenica, to Bosnia and Herzegovina isn’t surprising.

These are the words of Milan Antonijevic, Director of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, who also said we have to wait and see what kind of assurances were given by the authorities in B&H.

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The decision of Swiss judiciary to extradite NaserOric, war-time commander of Muslims from Srebrenica, to Bosnia and Herzegovina isn’t surprising,” said Milan Antonijevic, Director of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, who also stated that we have to wait and see what kind of assurances were given by the authorities in B&H.

“We have yet to see what further procedures will be taken in B&H and what assurances were given that this case will be processed. I haven’t seen the decision but I trust that it contains the rationale behind this decision of the cantonal authorities,” said Antonijevic.

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Marko Blagojevic, Director of the government’s Office for Reconstruction and Flood Relief announced a solution to the problem of the tailings spills from the “Stolice” mine near Krupanj.

“We took this upon ourselves in cooperation with the UN which will finance the project’s production,” Blagojevic said at the press conference at which a manual on extraordinary situations in case of flooding, made by YUCOM with the support of the Australian Embassy, was presented.

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Speakers: Milan Antonijevic, Director of YUCOM, H.E. Mrs. Julia Freeney, Australia’s ambassador in Belgrade, Marko Blagojevic, Director of the Office for Reconstruction and Flood Relief, Zoe Guodovic, representative of the Women’s Reconstruction Fond, Nada Djurickovic, representative of the Roma Center for Women and Children Daje (tbc), Bojana Selakovic, representative of Citizen’s Initiatives, Milena Vasic, YUCOM representative.

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The announcement of PM Aleksandar Vucic that he is willing to pay homage to the victims in Srebrenica is perceived in the region as a gesture towards reconciliation.

The NGO sector says that his statement has great weight on the road towards establishing good relations with neighboring countries, but also adds that the crime in Srebreica is something that must constantly be discussed, not just on the eve of the anniversary of the July 11th massacre.


The OSCE mission in Kosovo organized a regional conference on the challenges and best practices in the application of nondiscrimination legislature.

The panelists were experts in the field of human rights, ombudsman institutions and civil society organizations from the countries of the Western Balkans, as well as institutional representatives, among which were OSCE’s Office for democratic institutions.

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