Author Yucom


The OSCE Mission to Serbia, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the civil society organization Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights (YUCOM) will monitor on 1 December 2015 the elections of prosecutors to the Serbia’s State Prosecutorial Council (SPC).

The SPC is the body of prosecutorial self-administration. Six of the eleven SPC members, all prosecutors, are chosen through a process of peer election that is subject to approval by the National Assembly.

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Legal experts say trend towards passing laws in urgent procedure is stifling democratic debate and lowering the quality of legislation

A marked rise in the number of laws passed  in urgent procedure in Serbia and without debate – often under the excuse of EU membership talks – is raising questions about transparency and the quality of legislation.

Milan Antonijevic, from YUCOM – Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights, told BIRN that the number of laws passed in urgent procedures had jumped again in this parliamentary session.

Media Coverage

Interview – Milan Antonijević
Director of the Lawyer’s Commitee for Human Rights, Yucom

The EC Progress Report will be balanced and will deal with the situation in the media and among the defenders of human rights. Journalists have been attacked in the past and that must be the subject od an investigation



The Committee of Lawyers for Human Rights – YUCOM, with the support of the OSCE Mission in Serbia, is undertaking the project with the title ‘Amending the Constitution’. The aim of the project is to improve the knowledge of students and journalists on amendments to the Constitution, as well as to commence a discussion on the subject with the goal of collecting information and opinions from the wider public.

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The Triple A partners and several former pilot projects have released a joint statement on the ongoing refugee/migrant crisis:

We, the implementing partners of the project Triple A for citizens, Access to information, advice and Active help, and members of the Triple A network, are deeply concerned by the lack of a common European approach to the current migrant crisis in Europe and by the threat this poses to such founding principles of the Union as solidarity, freedom of movement and protection of human rights.

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After UNESCO decided to look at Kosovo’s membership application – a move that infuriated Serbian officials – experts said that obstacles remain on Pristina’s path to joining the UN’s cultural body.

Kosovo’s second bid to join UNESCO, the result of an official request last week from Albania for the former Serbian province’s admission to UNESCO, is expected to be strongly contested by Belgrade.


Project Title: Project Title: NGOs and the Judiciary – Watchdog Activities, Interactions, Collaboration, Communication
Duration: January 2015. – June 2016.
Donor: International Visegrad Fund and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea
Partners: CEELI Institute (Czech Republic), VIS IURIS (Slovakia), Albanian Helsinki Committee (Albania), Coalition of Civil Associations “All for fair trials” (Macedonia)
About the project: The general topic addressed by the project NGOs and the Judiciary is watch dog activities, cooperation, interaction, communication and relations between NGOs and judiciary with special focus on civic monitoring of the judiciary.


Project:  Civil Response to Clientelism in Media – MEDIA CIRCLE
Duration:  December 2013 – December 2017.
Donor:  European Commission / IPA CSF
Partners:  Partnership for Social Development (Croatia), Expert Forum (Romania), Vesta (BiH), BH Journalists (BiH), Center for Media Activities (FYR Macedonia), Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina (Serbia) and Public Policy Institute (Montenegro)


Project: Equal Rights in Educational System in Serbia

Duration: August 2014- August 2015

Donor: Matra Embassy Fund- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

About the project: The objectives of the action are to contribute to the advancement of democracy, human rights, social inclusion and a higher level of tolerance in Serbia´s educational system…

Media Coverage

Civil rights groups have welcomed the Serbian government’s decision to ban a planned right-wing rally against migrants set for Monday.

Nebojsa Stefanovic, Serbia’s Interior Minister, on Wednesday banned protests against refugees in Serbia after two far-right organisations, Nasi [Ours] and Srbski obraz, announced a rally next Monday.

The groups denounced what they called “an EU plan” to settle 400,000 migrants in Serbia.

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