Author Yucom


Milan Antonijevic, Director of Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights – YUCOM, opened the conference, indicating that the annual report is dedicated to cooperation with state bodies, responses and fast reactions that YUCOM demanded. According to Antonijevic, the past year was marked by a clear and strong cooperation with independent institutions…


Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights YUCOM, with the support of the Royal Norwegian Embassy and the Embassy of Finland, kindly invites you to the conference “Human Rights in 2015 – YUCOM’s Views on Serbia’s Response” which will be held on Friday, 11 of March 2016, starting at 11 am, at the Media Center Belgrade, Terazije 3, M60 hall on the second floor.


We invite you, as a representative of the institution / organization that takes part in the analysis of the work of judicial bodies, to take part in the workshop “The judicial portals in the mirror.”

Professional organizations and non-governmental organizations dealing with the promotion of the rule of law and human rights through the monitoring and analysis of the work of judicial authorities rely on the information processed by the court administration and prosecution.


The goal of the Free Elections Through Freedom of Assembly project is two-fold: 1) protection of the freedom of assembly in pre-election period as the prerequisite for free, fair and democratic elections through timely education of users, monitoring of pre-election conventions across Serbia by independent monitors, providing legal protection in cases of violence against freedom of assembly, immediate notification of public on dealt infarctions and requests to relevant authorities to take measures against them; 2) after the elections and based on received results, an evaluation of the influence of the new Law will be made, formulating conclusions and recommendations for the improvement of the legislative framework, considering that harmonization with international standards is already envisioned with the Action Plan for Chapter 23.


We participated in Open Society Justice Initiative’s report to the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, organized in Strasbourg, on implementation, or lack thereof, of the ECHR’s verdict in the case of Zorica Jovanovic vs. Serbia.

Representatives of the members of the Council of Europe were present, as were civil sector representatives and legal experts. We await the Committee Minister’s decision after its March 8th-10th 2016 session, seeing how Serbia’s implementation of this verdict is overdue for over a year and a half.

Media Coverage

Former director of the Culture Center in Novi Sad and ex Third Serbia activist Andrej Fajgelj issued a death threat to ombudsman Sasa Jankovic via Twitter.

In his own words, he did this in response to the ombudsman’s opinion that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children should be have their children taken away from them.


The meeting of the National Convent on the European Union for Chapter 23, where the final version of the Action plan for the implementation of minority rights (hereinafter AP for minorities), took place on February 19th 2016 in the premises of the National Assembly. Milan Antonijevic, NCEU work group coordinator for Chapter 23, opened the discussion by expressing his satisfaction with the large attendance and the opportunity hear about the role civil society organizations took in the making of the AP for minorities.

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