Author Yucom

New editions

Not much time has passed according to the calendar since February 2019, when we presented our last annual report. That is just over 450 days. According to measuring of time by YUCOM, that includes 21 printed publications, 9 of which printed in 39,000 copies, 419,405 citizens reached by our text “What does the introduction of a state of emergency mean for the people in Serbia?”, strengthening of our team by 2 new lawyers, who, together with the rest of our legal staff have provided legal advice and information to citizens in 995 instances.


What is the importance of civil society?
How does civil society participate in the policy-making process?
What is our contribution to promoting the rule of law and protecting human rights?

These are just some of the questions you can find answers to in the video messages of the representatives of the domestic and international public.


The pandemic of virus COVID-19 is one of the biggest global pandemics in the modern times, and based on the data of the World Health Organization, until July 1, 2020, there were 10,321,689 infected individuals, and 507,435 persons were deceased.

This report presents the findings of the series of the activities recognized as necessary by the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights in the response to the crisis caused by the epidemic of virus COVID – 19.

Press releases

The media and civil society organizations demand from the Ministry of Finance and the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering to immediately present the grounds for suspicion due to which they ordered the extraordinary collection of information about organizations, media, and individuals from the commercial banks. The article of the law, referred to by the director of the Administration for the Prevention of Money Laundering,


It can reasonably be expected that the results of the elections in Serbia on 21 June will lead to a political crisis, while the trust in government policy on fighting the pandemic has been dealt a serious blow in recent weeks, seven civil society organisations from the country wrote in a letter to EU institutions on Monday. The CSOs invited EU to remain true to its own founding values and norms and demand concrete track record in implementation of rule of law and fundamental democratic principles in Serbia.


On June 5th, 2020, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia informed the Working Group of the National Convention on the European Union for Chapter 23 on completing the consultative process regarding the amendment of the Action Plan for Chapter 23. The Report on Public Consultations with NCEU, which refers to the second round of consultation, was submitted to the Working Group, and at the request of the group, the latest version of the Action Plan for Chapter 23 also. As the Ministry stated, the Action Plan has been addressed to the state authorities for the opinion within the procedure for adoption.


Lawyers’ Committee for Human RIghts, with the expert support of UN Human Rights Team Serbia presents the second brief analysis HUMAN RIGHTS AND COVID-19 – Analysis of the changes in legal framework during a state of emergency and impact on enjoying human rights – The Right to a Fair Trial

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