Milan Antonijević nominated for UIA Rule of Law Award


The Director of the Committee of Lawyers for Human Rights, Milan Antonijević, was chosen as one of the three finalists for a prestigious award that is awarded for outstanding contributions in the legal field. This award was established by the International Association of Lawyers (Union Internationale des Avocats), in cooperation with LexisNexis Group.

The International Association of Lawyers is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1927.  Тhe organization gathers more than 2,200 legal experts from all over the world. The International Association of Lawyers was established with the aim of promoting the basic principles of the legal profession, participating in the development of legal knowledge at the international level, and developing an international legal order based on the principles of human rights and justice. The winner of this year’s award is Ruth Bayder Ginsberg, a judge of the United States Supreme Court. The prize will be awarded at the opening ceremony of the International Lawyers Association in Porto on October 30th.


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