We invite you, as a representative of the institution / organization that takes part in the analysis of the work of judicial bodies, to take part in the workshop “The judicial portals in the mirror.”

Professional organizations and non-governmental organizations dealing with the promotion of the rule of law and human rights through the monitoring and analysis of the work of judicial authorities rely on the information processed by the court administration and prosecution. Beginning of each activity involves collecting information about the procedings, starting with the numbers and designations of certain court cases, the statistical data, as well as the case files themselves.

Previous experiences show that frequent inconsistencies between the real and the presented data, leading to the presentation of erroneous results, often show the judiciary or the non-governmental sector in a bad light, further undermining the relationship of trust between them and impairing mutual cooperation.

As participants of the workshop, we invite you to present your activities with the judicial authorities and the current challenges in collecting and processing information on the work of the judiciary.

What are the public, and what are the internal portals like, how valid are the information given to NGOs, are there ways of improving cooperation between the civil and judicial sectors in this regard and how to improve the use of data for research purposes will be the basic theme of the workshop “The judicial portals in the mirror.”

The workshop is organized within the project “NGOs and the judiciary – control, cooperation, communication,” funded by International Visegrad Foundation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. You can confirm your participation at office@yucom.org.rs. For further information please contact us on 0113344235 .

 Workshop_Judicial Portals in the Mirror


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